Early exposure to written and spoken language makes positive contributions to the development of language and literacy. Vocabulary is enhanced when children hear new words used in context, when they experience the use of idiomatic language and when they have opportunities to play with language and sound.
Furthermore, research into learning suggests that exposure to rhyme and rhythm during the early years facilitates children's success in learning to read. This attractively presented volume fulfils all of thse criteria.
Dr. Kathleen Warren MA Hons (Macq Uni) FTCL, LASA
Drama and early childhood consultant, teacher and adjudicator.
Once again Annette Kosseris has captured the essence of make-believe that is so vital for the growth and development of young minds. Through the language of these very modern poems and plays young children can readly enter into new worlds of wonder and delight. The poems can be used by individuals, small groups or whole classes and can even be shared in the home environment.
They fill a gap that opens up after children have soaked up traditional nursery rhymes and tales and will enrich the learning experiences particularly of preschoolers and infants classes in schools. This very attractive book is a must for both home and school libraries, not just to sit on a shelf, but to be used and enjoyed by anyone who is a child at heart.
John Cohen, phD FTCL, LGSM, ASDA
Grad Dip Library & Information Science
Editor/Publisher READING TIME
The Journal of the Children's Book Council of Australia.
An exciting, happy, DRAMATISATION of the poems and plays WITH SOUND EFFECTS. Recorded by Annette Kosseris and three young friends.
It’s On With the Show
Got the audience! Got the cast!
All the practice finished at last!
We’ve learned our parts, the work is done.
Now’s the time to have some FUN!
We’ve got the rhythm..........page 4
Pre-School Rap
GOT my backpack,
Got my “News”
Got my hat,
And got my shoes,
Got my..........Page 12
The Tadpole Mystery
Tom and Tessie Tadpole lived in a pool,
Just down the road from our little school.
We’d visit them and talk to them and play splashy games.
We were the children who gave them both their names.
Then we went on holidays – and they disappeared!
Yes, gone! … Lost..........page 16
I’m SUPERPOSSUM, that’s who I am!
I swing from trees while eating jam!
I have a mate whose name is Sam,
He swings with me while eating ham!
And… we…. GIGGLE!
Sometimes I..........page 20
We’re fire-breathing DRAGONS,
And we’re coming down your street!
The sound that you can hear
Is the thumping of our feet.
We’re thumping, bumping, thumping..........page 22
Fancy Pants
We saw some ANTS,
They wore FANCY PANTS!
Know what they were doing?
They were doing a DANCE!
They all wore shoes of different hues,
Pinks and purples
And yellows..........page 24
Tree House
This is my special place.
Daddy built it.
He said it’s a tree house.
He doesn’t know that it is
A CAVE where I hide my treasures.
And a LOOK-OUT where I keep guard.
And a CARAVAN..........page 29
Language Lessons
Down by the creek
There’s a donkey
Who can speak
He doesn’t say..........page 30
Recycling Basketball
(final lines)
Recycling is IMPORTANT,
And here’s ONE way to do it.
Have a giggle, have some fun,
There’s really nothing to it!..........Page 31
The Witchy-Witches’ Rap
WE are WITCHES who DON’T ride a BROOM.
WE are WITCHES and we zoom
!... zoom!.... ZOOM!
The BLUE witch HAS a new MOTOR BOAT
(If she falls OUT..........page 35
The “Goodat” Stars
Our teacher calls us the ‘GOODAT STARS!”
This is the reason why.
Standing up STRAIGHT and waiting in line,
Helping SHY friends – letting them shine.
Wearing our HATS when we go out to play
Not only on HOT days, but EVERY DAY
We wash our HANDS before each meal,
And we wash them AFTER… That’s the deal!..........page 38
TYRANNO is coming!
He’s coming! Quick hide!
Tyranno is coming?
Yes! Quick! Run inside!
Oh! Too late! Tyranno saw us!
Gulp!..........page 40