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Moving On with Giggles and Dreams

ISBN 0-9580342-1-4


Australiana, Christmas,
Educational themes, families,
fantasy and magic, foods and
fads, limericks, multiculturalism,
nature and the environment,
social gatherings, sports,
stuff and nonsense, sun,
surf and sand, travel, war
and lots of "characters".

Moving On
with Giggles & Dreams


Annette Kosseris 74 poems
Dulcie Meddows 25 poems
David Campbell 22 poems
Frank Cardiff 15 poems
John Bird 12 poems
Alice Shore 10 poems
Ann Davis  9 poems
John Cardiff  7 poems
Margaret Speter  1 poem

Illustrated by Dulcie Meddows, Maria Callinan and Laurie Morris

184 poems by ten Australian authors

175 performance poems
by nine Australian authors.
192 pages (for children 5 - 95)
but mostly 4 - 16 yrs
(Includes biographies of authors and informative reviews).

Lots of FUN poems as well as
thought-provoking lyrics.

These poems will encourage children to read. They will grasp the concepts immediately and relate to them.

Extracts from

MY CALENDAR by Annette Kosseris

Tomorrow I'm going to be
I'll up, up, up
and away.

The next day I'll be
in my Batmobile
I'll play.

But today…. I feel…
a bit… "yucky"….see.
So I'll …cuddle… my Mum
and… just be…. me…

That was only a 'pretending' tear.
You can nominate me
.................... .......(P.13)

WINNERS by Annette Kosseris

I get excited
on my birthday.
This year I got a pup!


The whole country
gets excited
when they run the Melbourne Cup!

They go off to the race track,
or watch it on TV;
but they're not half as lucky
as my little pup and me.

We are winners EVERY DAY!.....(p.18)


BETTY SPAGHETTI by David Campbell
I'm Betty Spaghetti,
the Pasta Princess…
I eat my spaghetti
without any mess.
I wiggle and wangle it.......(p.30)

THE BULLY by David Campbell
The bully
stole my money
and punched me in the side,
he pushed my face down in the dirt
and took away my pride.

The bully
stood there laughing
and tried to...............(p.46)



HERCULES by Annette Kosseris
OK now! You want to know
someone who can work with ease?
You're looking at him - here and now,

I drive a Super Herkmobile.
If you get.....(p.20)

TOEWORM HOMES by Alice Shore
Slippers are magic,
soft cocoons,
like a kitten's fur
or the yellow down on new chickens,
offering wriggling space
for toe worms.........(p.38)

It was bound to be exciting
'twould be posh without a doubt,
and Daddy hadn't spared expense
for Maggie's 'Coming Out".

There were fittings and rehearsals
and appointments here and there,
and lessons in deportment…….(p.57)

GRANNY PIPPEN by Annette Kosseris
Granny Pippen looked unhappy,
So I thought that I would pick
A present that would cheer her up.
I bought a pogo-stick!
I taught her how to ride it,
And she bounced up and down;
Then she boing! boing! boing! boinged
All the way to town.
She boinged up the.....(p.62)


A very fat Potato

A VERY FAT POTATO by Dulcie Meddows
I'm a very fat potato,
now don't look so surprised.
I'm a brown-skin subterranean
with twenty seven eyes.
I'm found out in the garden
where I………………..(p. 59)

to top of page

WINTER SUNSHINE by Frank Cardiff
A ray of winter sunshine
seems to bring a special glow.
It ripples on a raindrop
and shimmers in the snow.
It sparkles on the seashore
and trickles.........(p.71)

THE WIND by Annette Kosseris
The wind was a sleeping lion
last night,
no roar, no bite;
un-caged and free,
sleeping so peacefully…

But tonight,
hear his roars!
Ferociously he......(p.72)

There was a Cat

THERE WAS A CAT by Ann Davis
Brave of heart was Kittykatter,
left her home in Cabramatta,
travelled south to Wangaratta
and became an alley catter.
Met a tom with spiff and spatter,
fell hard for his............(p.78)


LONG JOHN SEAGULL by David Campbell
Why does a seagull, so graceful in flight,
when resting on land choose often to stand
on only one leg,
just one single peg,
the other one tucked way up out of sight?
Here is a question......(p.67)


GIRL GERMS by David Campbell
I had to kiss a girl today,
Oh yuk!
My cousin Shirley,
came to visit… just my luck!

"Now kiss your cousin," says my Mum
Oh no!
Girls are germy,
"Sorry, Mum, I have to go!"

"Oh don't be silly, just one....(p.74)

by Margaret Speter

"Aunty Bek is coming for afternoon tea
and there's not a thing to eat!"
said Mum. She looked agitated,
"Don't worry, Mum," I said "I'll bake a cake!"
Mum's face was pale. She looked quite odd.
"That's a lovely thought," she said in a tired voice,
"but there won't be time."
I said......(p.82)


PEOPLE by Frank Cardiff
There are people in the buses,
There are people in the trams,
There are even little people
Being pushed along in prams.
There are people on the stairways,
There are people.....(p.83)



No wind today.
The windpushers are
Having a holiday, a picnic.
You have heard of
The Windpusher's Picnic,
Haven't you?
All year they've worked,

by Annette Kosseris

I've had an awful time Miss
getting here today…
The car broke down. I had to walk
nearly all the way!
In fact, all the morning I've had
nothing but bad luck.
I turned to wave goodbye to Mum -
nearly got hit by a truck!
But Miss! … I've made it!

Pardon Miss? … Wait, .....(p.88)

THE STORM by David Campbell
The wind whips the world
into a frenzy,
hurls the ragged rain
against the glass,
blasts the tumbling birds
from the sky.
The house heaves,

by David Campbell
It happened in a moment,
I'd hardly shut the door,
The underpants went crazy
and started up a war!

Jockeys riding boxers
came charging in to fight,
battling with the...........(p.99)



THE KITCHEN BEAT by Dulcie Meddows
Kids in the kitchen - learning to cook
Find a scone recipe - in a cook book
Take out a bowl -a tray and flour,
Butter and milk, and for the next hour
Measure, sift, rub, roll, cut and pat,
Twelve scones on..........(p.96)


TRAPPED by Annette Kosseris
We're trapped in this car. It's like being in jail!
It would have been better to travel by rail;
At lease we could move around a bit then.
I feel like a chicken in a metal chook pen!
I've cleaned my teeth and my shoes… and I've washed,
Now I'm mashed potatoes - cramped and squashed!
Look! Sandwiched between..............(p.98)

SAILING DAY by Frank Cardiff
I held my breath in wonder
As we pulled up at the wharf,
And a sailor at the gangway
Said "We'll soon be moving orf".

My parents had the luggage,
Then the taxi drove away,
And my heart was beating faster
Because this was Sailing Day!

My Pa, who'd been a sailor……….(p.104)

BUTTERFLY by John Cardiff
With silken wings
and velvet body
between the leaves
in brief rectangular
this way
and that


BLUE HERON by John Bird
Soft… grey… lazy… day,
light rain upon the ground,
reflective, receptive,
ah, Blue Heron - come on down.

Timid, but with purpose,
crossing dangerous ground,
now hunting.......(p.111)

THE EAGLE by John Cardiff
His aquiline profile
silhouetted against the noonday sun
cemented to his aerie
with unflinching patience.
With perfection
his bead-like eyes
scan, recheck
and wait.....(p.114)


VISITOR ON THE SHORE by Annette Kosseris
Someone spilled a milkshake,
but who?
Is there a clue?
An enormous, frothy milk shake
which lies
like a giant-sized hand
against the sand,
caressing it,

WINTER by Dulcie Meddows
A wet-dog night
shakes its black coat
at the door.

Rain possums across
the roof
and the wind mews
to be let in.


THE TRIBE by John Bird
Benny crowds between Dad and Pop,
adds his legs to their sea-wall dangle,
waits for the stories to start,
for autumn evening breeze
to cool the fish-n-chips.
Pop hugs the.........(p.130)

by Frank Cardiff

It was Friday, it was raining
and the train was running late.
We received a look of pity
from the guard man on the gate.
We'd a stranger in our party,
without billy, tent or pack.
We wondered why our leader
didn't stop and send him back.

He was friendly, he was.....(p.131)

by Alice Shore

Dust particles
proliferate in her living room,
weigh down the wedding table,
festoon across cobwebs,
squat as family groups in corners,
take up residence on ledges.
Dust particles


by Annette Kosseris

"Oh give me a home
Where the actors all roam,
Where greasepaint is in the blood.
Where seldom is heard……"

Oh, hello… An actor? Me? Yes!
Easy to guess, eh?
I'm not a whiz at mathematics,
or computers or I.T;
everyone has his talents,
but it's the STAGE for me!
I live and breathe 'theatre'-
all the Performing Arts.
I'm a good 'all rounder'
I've played many parts.
I've studied Elizabethan
and Restoration stages;
one day I'll...............(p.150)

CITY LIFE by John Cardiff
City wakes. Sun comes up.
Hurried breakfast. Feed the pup.
Workers wake. Children dream.
Tea or coffee? Milk or cream?

Say Good morning. Say goodbye,
Quickly leave. Babies cry.
Down the steps. Out the door.
Round the.............(p.152)

I should be taking stock
of business done today, not
watching valleys fill with blue,
clouds and mountains merge,
swallows cleanse the twilight,
and day depreciate away.

Prodigal sun has spent his gold.
This is the..........(p.162)

JUDY by Dulcie Meddows
I don't know who called her Judy,
but I thought it a nice name for a cow.
She looked like a Judy - mottled brown
hair, curled horns and two of the most
beautiful brown eyes that ever looked
through a barbed-wire fence.
I grew up with Judy. Soft, gentle Judy.
I remember her first........ (p.164)

FUN RUN by Dulcie Meddows
Trackie-dacks, a cap and shades,
new runners on my feet;
I'm going on a fun run
where officials in the street
have registered my number
nine-five-seven in this race.
I've not run 10 K's before
I hope I don't disgrace
myself by running last -
or tripping on my...... (p.168)


There are moments
when, for a second
time stands still
long enough for us
to stop our breath - as
a star flashes silver in midnight sky,
a shy bird trills perfect notes,
a flower peeps red
against cream soil..........(p.175)

by David Campbell

In Leeton there's a legend
the locals swear is true,
and now that I have been there…
well, I believe it too.
So settle down a little
and pin your ears right back,
'coz this'll drive you crazy,
completely out of whack.

It happened at the Hydro,
I'd dropped in for the night,
but had some trouble.........(p.178)


PEACE by Annette Kosseris
The lake was still…
A shining mirror
Reflecting the beauty all around.
I stood and stared
At the double vision;
I didn't dare to make a sound
Lest I disturb the peace I'd found.

Two mighty hills
Of ochre red
Framed the lake, Majestic pair;
While slim gum trees
Obliquely stood
Keeping guard, in silent prayer…
They spoke to God -
And He was there.....(p.180)


CRAZY ENGLISH by David Campbell
Hello to you all, I just had to call
and try to explain what's hurting my brain.
In fact, I might add it's driving me mad…
this language we've got is some fiendish plot!
So tell me, please do................(p.121)

LITTLE LAMB LOST by Annette Kosseris

All was still…
until we ran out and broke the silence,
and with the sun already climbing,
we began our journey down the hill.
Pockets of white appeared intermittently
as the cheeky sun played hide-and-seek
with the clouds.
"Your turn - my turn,
I see you - Peek-a-boo!"
My brother………..(p.124)

MY BOYFRIEND by David Campbell

My boyfriend is a total spunk,
the hottest guy in school.
He's tall and blonde and super fit,
and oh-so-very cool.

My girlfriends think he's simply ace…
they all wish they were me,
so they could.................(p.133)


BARBECUE by Annette Kosseris
…and Pete and I went to the movies.
We saw that new mystery murder film
With Arnold… thingamyjig in it.
Oh you know, Arnold… went into politics.
Anyway, it was action-filled and pretty gruesome.
My head was in my lap most of the time
And I nearly squeezed Pete's hand off!
… What?!!!
KILL someone? Me?..........(p.138)

to top of page


SAMORNE by Alice Shore
Solitary elephant,
Indian in Adelaide zoo
for thirty years.
Dragged the cart
filled with rowdy children
around and around.
Always around.

stomped her boredom
from foot to foot
swayed her loneliness............. (p.143)



INFERNO by Annette Kosseris
Bird-song heralded the Summer morning.
The trees were alive, as low green branches
Flapped like children's skipping ropes;
-Conductor's arms to direct the music -
The stage was set for the winged actors,
And they joyously danced and sang their operetta
From tree to tree;
A rapturous dawning!
Scattering leaves both green and dry asunder
They filled the air with wonder.

But today,.................(p.146)


A squat of booyong trees
occupies a gully
on lower Wollumbin.

Their summer shadows float
on haunch-high grass, slap
at bare patches of basalt.

Through this portal
old man kangaroo re-enters......(p.149)


To distract Maria from her lament
about being Greek in a country town
we enquire about the Heroic Lover.
She gives a bosom-shaking shrug
and glares across at her Papa
hand-washing the heavy china.

Fortressed inside a hippie gown
Miss Crystal flip-flops an entrance...........(p.154)

to top of page

by Annette Kosseris

The wind
is a conductor of music!
He orchestrates his every move.
Hear his flutes' high piping sounds
whispering and whistling through the tall reeds…
There they go again!
He's a man of many moods.
Without warning he'll lift his baton
and bring in the strings -
the violins, violas, cellos
as you walk along the seashore.
He'll wave his arms at the setting of the sun
and bring in the double bass
to add a brooding, melancholic, foreboding…
Watch the…………….. (p.156)

BOY WITH DOG by John Bird
Word whips through the timber town,
empties the corner store.
Rising from her midday nap,
grandma gapes and asks what's up.
An aproned woman wrings her hands,
a picker leaves his oranges,
the miller stills his docking saw,
the word is heard all around.
"Come'n see.
There's this boy, about thirteen,
dragging his dog through town."

The dog is lying on a bag..............(p.166)

by Annette Kosseris

War … unending; but why must it be?
Is it greed sowing the seed
of this cancer?
They sigh, as though there is
no other answer.
Man's inhumanity to Man
since time began…
When will it cease?
Since Cain and Abel
What do you find?
It seems Man was born blind
to the possibility of......(p.177)

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